February Monthly Meeting

Tuesday February 25th 2025, 7:00-9:00pm


Artist Presentation and Demo with Janis Mitchell & Savannah Parent Eastwood 

Toronto Potters Studio,
180 Shaw Street, Studio 107

Janis Mitchell and Savannah Parent Eastwood are professional archeologists. Janis is an historic analyst and Savannah a lithic analyst, working with a Canadian company, Archaeological Services Inc. in Burlington. Janis holds an MPhil in anthropology from the University of Cambridge, UK; Savannah has an archaeology undergraduate degree from U of T.

Together, they have been working on their River Pots Project, experimenting with local Ontario clays and pit firing. In fall 2024 they had the opportunity to attend the SW Kiln Conference at Crow Canyon Archaeological Centre in Cortez, Colorado (swkiln.com). Janis has commented: “There were multiple trench and surface kilns firing and we were able to include the small pots we had built with local Ontario clays”. The conference was started thirty years ago at a meeting of archaeologists and potters interested in the processes and materials used to create ancient pottery of the Southwest US, and remains a gathering of people interested in better understanding prehistoric pottery.  

On Tuesday. Feb 25th Janis and Savannah will share some of their experiences of attending the conference and pit firing. They will show samples of “wild clay” test tiles, test pots, and finished vessels decorated with a variety of techniques.

Following their talk, Janis and Savannah will give a short “wild clay” slip demonstration.

Follow their explorations here:  https://www.instagram.com/river_pots/

Due to a lengthy renovation at the Gardiner Museum, our Monthly Meetings will be held at  Toronto Potters Studio, 180 Shaw St. Studio #107, unless otherwise indicated

Toronto Potters invite all members to meet on the 4th Tuesday of each month between 7:00-8:30pm, to connect with colleagues and new members, to network and to find out what’s coming up in the community of ceramics.

Please BYOM (bring-your-own- mug) to use for refreshments.

No meetings take place in December, June, July or Aug.

To join or renew your membership


Spring Pop Up Sale Application


January Monthly Meeting