Application | Spring Sale 2022

Application is a 2-step process

Step 1: Artists must complete this online Sale Application and provide samples of their work by March 16, 2022. Toronto Potters will screen each application.

Step 2: Accepted artists will receive instructions on how to provide Sale Item Details to the sale coordinator by March 31, 2022. All work submitted must fulfill the Toronto Potters Sale Standards & Guidelines.

Participant Details for the 2022 Spring Sale:

  • Each participant can submit up to 15 items for the online store.

  • Multiple inventory of the same item (e.g. duplicates) are encouraged, provided they are exact replicas of the same item. So take advantage of this feature if you have multiples of pieces.

  • There is no application fee for artists. Toronto Potters will retain a 20% commission on items sold.

  • Once an item has sold, the individual artist is responsible for delivery or shipment of the sold item to the purchaser.

  • In order to participate in the Toronto Potters Online Sale, you must be a current member in good standing of Toronto Potters, and have paid your annual membership fees for the 2021/2022 season.